Following our inaugural MeasureCamp North America event, we heard some feedback from folks that have never had the opportunity to attend a MeasureCamp event previously that they were a little confused by the format. Heck – we can’t blame them, the concept of an “unconference” is novel for most folks before they attend MeasureCamp.
It is with that in mind, that we have decided to host an Orientation Event aptly named the “First-Timer Workshop” in advance of MeasureCamp itself dedicated to those first-timers looking to get a lay of the land. Of course, all are welcome to attend, so if you’re looking to get a refresher on how everything works, you should absolutely join us as well!
The workshop will take place on Thursday, March 9th at 4PM PT / 7PM ET and last for approximately 1 hour. Hosted by one of our amazing organizers, Maddie Cantrell, this workshop will cover:
Please note, the design of MeasureCamp is one that supports all those individuals that would like to speak. However, we are not accepting pitches in advance of the session board opening during registration on the day of the event. This is designed to allow equal access and not unfairly advantage those that have attended previously and are aware of how the system works.
If you’d like to attend this special “First-timer Workshop”, you’ll need to ensure you reserve a spot when booking your ticket via EventBrite. Specifically, you’ll need to select your ticket, and then scroll down to the “Add-ons” section and select a ticket from here as seen in the screenshot below:
If you have any questions, please connect with us directly on Twitter: @MeasureCampNA